I have about two weeks before i leave norway to learn, and then, to teach this baby seagull i've just dragged home.
Found it abandonded, and could not bear to see the wee little bugger crying alone. Waited for a while first to make sure momma was not hiding somewhere...but it's way to ikkle to have been purposefully left out of nest alone yet anyhow. So somehow it was removed, and then left in the middle of a skateboard park. bah.
Seems happy enough. Cuddled down into my cleavage and slept all the way home, then greedilly devoured about a quarter can of tuna from my fingers, and sipped water from a dish. Even put up with pokings by the puppy-creature without even slight discomfort apparent- just poked the pup once, then dismissed it by turning it's back and shaking tail feathers in her general direction. It tried preening, but it's sort of small and clumbsy so cleaning its unddercoat resulting in it comically tipping arse over head.
I know I will regret this the second it is strong enough to start voicing demands, though right now I keep thinking of the gulls crying "mine, mine mine" from "Finding Nemo" and its making me crack right up. They rocked.
Then again, they were not living in my bedroom.
Now then, see the little "comments" link below? Click it. And suggest a name for the creature. Can't keep calling it "Gull".
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