Drama drama all round at work today. Bottom line- I am safe until end of financial year, June 30 when there may be further cutbacks. Have also been warned that there may be wage freeze instated, but that current pay scale, current bonus structure will remain as per contract. Surprised to find it was not all underlings that went- those out the door in our (head) office included management. Some did not take it gracefully, partaking in a little sabotage by way of deleting documentation which would make the handover easier and needing to be physically escorted off premises.
We lost 30 people- I'm still waiting for final numbers for New South Wales, which is the state I manage the portfolio for. They are already trying to manage the natural expectation that people will jump ship in the coming months, by indicating that those who stick it out will be rewarded. I've faith the company will make it through- they have successfully weather three other economic slowdowns by recognizing the issues in advance, and taking steps- like now- to cut back before it becomes an absolute necessity.
I like my work, I'm happy to stick around for now. Temp wage freeze is not off putting- I'm payed 10 grand more then my last role, and I'd rather HAVE a steady wage then nit pick about 60 bucks a week, especially with the indication being that at end of freeze, raise is immediate with an extra thrown in to thank people for sticking around.
Tension filled times at the office, and happy there is a little breathing space for me.
Great commute home, chatting with co worker for half of the journey that we share, and wound up debating whether really well hung midget men can tuck their willy into their sock, and how that must be a really fucking odd sensation for them. Half the train car got quiet to listen in and be amused by us.
Came home to a fantastic full roast dinner. NOW I am slowly beginning to remember the joys of a partner who works shift work. She is very good to me. Now if only I could convince her to put out three times daily...
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