Fantastic night out. Lots of old faces, plenty of pervery to watch- and partake it- even the rain did not ruin the good spirits and enthusiasm. Great atmosphere.
Was meant to be partaking in a record to place the most amount of clothespegs on a scrotum, but got most of way to event before realizing in had forgotten the pegs. Pulled into a late night convenience store and was lucky enough to find one with pegs on the shelves. Tiff and I stood there debating for a few moments about how many packs of 50 we should get. So I'm standing there holding several very large (I mean in a physical space sort of way)packs and wondering aloud "I'm not sure- how far can a scrotum stretch you reckon?
The two boys working in the shop were a little pained, and I think very happy when we finally left. And I'm glad I bought both packs, as I needed them. Also landed a record for landing 1862 cane strokes in ten minutes.
Two of my favourite pervs are still sleeping in the spare room, and another friend(and former housemate) who moved away a year ago is on her way to mine, having driven for past three days straight from Tasmania to move back to Qld. Very much looking forward to the catch up.
Hopefully Tiffs brother will come over today to to fix my car, as the fuel line is is busted, split or otherwise leaking to the point of being undrivable.
I'm thinking I need a massage, or maybe just head out to a film- need to unwind a little and shut the brain down a bit as I am still far too wired.
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