It's Thursday night, the weekend is so close I can taste it ticking the back of my tongue like chocolate ripple ice cream.
I've a weekend planned that might wind up being a messy one, given the stressy week that has been, and the amount of wine on my wine rack.
We have three known house guests coming this weekend, all here in town to attend Queensland's biggest perve event of the year, a kinksters version of Guinness records. I'm only participating in two events this year- placement of the most clothepegs on a scrotum (not mine, obviously!) and also in a tandem caning event. I'm also a DM for the night. Records night typically includes 100-150 people- which to my friends in London will seem like a small party, but it is big news here, and always a spectacularly fun night.
So the house is messy, the vaccuming needs doing, beds need making, and all I'm concerned about is cramming enough wine in the fridge to chill and looking forward to unwinding with some of the most bizarrely fun people I know.
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