Thursday, September 21, 2006

Stupid Nikki tricks.

I've given myself a papercut. By accident.

On my nipple.

A big one, right across the very centre.

It hurts as though a thousand pint-sized sadists are on there jabbing it with hot pokers.

My nipple is deformed. It's flapping open; looks similar to when I had a piercing reject and was too stubborn to give in and remove it; eventually it ripped out when it caught on something.

Oh yeah, that "something" was one of those evil olive picker-style wire gripper clamps.

Why do I hate my nipples so? They've never brought me harm...quite the opposite in fact. They have done nothing but love me.

So why is it, in my clutziness, that I try to kill them?


Anonymous said...

You are such a disaster area hahahahahaha


candansk said...

*clutches nipples in sympathy*

Davonshire said...

dare I ask how?

unfoldingsoul said...

It's more fun if we all guess first!

I'm going with "sitting in front of computer topless, paying bills online".

Davonshire said...

but what about the monkey?

unfoldingsoul said...

... the monkey WATCHES! :O

stroppywenchnikki said...

I was lying in bed with a porn mag and got a little carried away, ok?