Centennial feild, Grand Falls, Newfoundland. I'm penning this sprawled on a blanket, in a tangle of limbs and much giggling. I have the dubious honour of being chaperone to my 16 year old neice and her 4 friends, who all wanted to made the trip into the summer event of the province, and all-day concert, but whose parents decreed an adult must be present before they would give permission. Somehow, i met with parental approval as a passable adult, and also, am cool enough to be acceptable by the kids as well. Go, me. Foolish parents.
The normally hour long drive took 2.5 hours, due to high traffic for the event, slowed further by summer road construction. On the plus side, there was no opportunity to speed, therefore negating the chance of a repeat speeding ticket ( my second ticket being aquired the day previous. And, since it was my second in 6 months, i lose a shedload of license points and face a massively heartbreakingly hefty finacial fee to boot). It also meant a most amusing game of car leapfrog with a carload of cute 20 something boys, which delighted the girls to no end, as they spend the time passing me with windows rolled down trying to attract my attention/aquire a name and phone number/ generally show off as boys are wont to do. "Oh my god, Danny, your aunt is soooo cool...they are flirting! And she's flirting back!". (Jump ahead a little ; got more bonus cool factor points midafternoon, when it turns out I knew one of the featured musicians, found him after his set and draged him back to our blanket to meet the girls and sign autographs.)
The boys followed us to a coffeeshop and found me again at the concert (no easy feat, as the feild normally has upwards of 15,000 bodies), and are now milling about on a couple of blankets nearby, taking turns at making trips into the beer tent, coming back louder each time. Thye are being cool though, and playing nicey with the girls, who are thrilled by the attention from older guys. They've spent much of the day trying to convince me to join them at an after concert party at a nearby campground, and have even gone so far as to arrange alternate transport for the girls back to town so i can stay.
In the end, they settled for a promise of a after concert trip to McDonalds, combined with details of my dancing plans at a local bar next weekend. All in all, i had far more fun playing chaperone then i thought i would.
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