Wednesday, January 05, 2005

What things are important in your life?

Answers in the guestbook, please.

What things are near and dear to you? What things, no matter ow munumental, or how seemingly insignificant, improve your life by their mere presence?

What things would you not want to live without, even if you could?

Coffee(Iced, cappucino, vanilla syrup).
Rain (warm, mist, fog)
Toys (geeky, childlike, or people)
Chocolate(coconut, milk, praline).
Friends(compassionate, open, inteligent)
Sex(hard and fast).
Snuggles (leisurely, tactle and thorough)
Thunderstorms(loud and furious).
Books, newspapers, music(sheer escapism)
Sparkly, shiney, fuzy, whirry things.
Ocean(the sound and smell).

Anything that makes me smile, or in some cases, cry with happiness.

Life is too short to waste worrying too much.

Sometimes we get so caught up in planning how to live we forget to live.


Anonymous said...

Hrm... This isn't easy, but I'll reduce it down to the essentials:

My Friends.
My iPod.
My Macs.
My Guinness.

Everything else is just icing on the cake.


unfoldingsoul said...

In no particular order:

1. A room to call my own. A special place, a sanctuary, away from the world to relax and think.

2. Peanut butter sandwiches, with milk or hot chocolate. The end of my day.

3. The company of good friends, with whom I can philosophize, debate, jest, and laugh, and often all at the same time. Smart enough to be interesting. Sharp enough to be entertaining. Good enough to want to share your life with.

4. Eastern thought. For many I think religion is more of a crutch, a habit, and a source of anxiety. For me, my beliefs are an inspiration without being an excuse, and they are not a source of guilt or pain. I tell people I'm not religious, but the truth is that I'm more deeply spiritual than most realize.

Scootah said...

Shiny things that beep
Canadian girls
Blowjobs & Sodomy

shinything and tequila may be subject to negotiation. Canadian girls might be narrowed down to just one. Coffee & chocolate deserve honorable mention.

Anonymous said...

I'm in complete agreement with the coffee. Sadly, still cigarettes too.

Decent wine, even better, champagne.

At least one pet (animal kind)

Not less than 50 pairs of shoes. This may make me seem shallow and superficial, but I care not.


Travel and holidays. Sunshine in strange countries especially.

My flat (apartment for you Jonny-foreigners) as it's MY ickle corner of the world, and I feel safe and cossetted here.

"New stuff". I am a material girl afer all.

Gossip and bitchin.

I might be able to forego sex for long periods as I have this dandy new BOB. Hmmmm, nah, prolly not. I'll keep sex, in all it's many facets please.

Markets - I just love 'em.
