Reasons to reject daylight savings include; kids will get more sunburns, quiet evenings at home will be ruined by people running lawnmowers at night, kids won't go to bed early enough if it is light outside, people won't wake properly if it is dark outside, people will have more accidents because they are tired. There is a joke running around that other reasons included cows will be confused about when to milk and curtains will fade quicker with more sun exposure, but these reasons at least seem to be myths.
But seriously- it is well light bow shortly after 4 am as summer begins here. But it is dark at about 6:30 pm. WTF? My body clock is adjusting an I'm waking far too early to be reasonable.
On the other hand, being awake at that hour has led to me appreciating the spectacular birdlife in my area. In my backyard this morning was a Major Mitchell Cockatoo;
A couple of bellbirds, with the most amazing calls;
And of course, the ever-present but still delightful Kookaburras;
There are some benefits to being alert at this hour- but by 9 pm tonight I'll be yawning and desperate for bed.
Maybe I'm just getting old?