So I've been a housewife for about 3 years. And today I started full time work again. I had looked for work often enough in the past few years- but not so much as a bite. Could not seem to get an interview- and that's all I needed. I've never done and interview and not been offered the job. Last month, I re-vamped my resume and write an updated template cover letter, then threw out a dozen applications on various office/accounts positions.
Got two interviews, got offered both jobs. Spent a couple of days going back and forth trying to decide which to take, and spent today in the new office. Very pleased with the decision I made. Large, efficiently run office full of long-serving, happy staff members. Several unexpected perks and extras in my contract that were not discussed in interview, and a corporate environment liberal enough to be accepting of a same sex partner when it came to some of the extras, such as family leave and family health insurance. So yay!
Today was mostly just a swa,ping of information, but no real hands on work. Tomorrow I get thrown off the deep end to sink or swim, as my trainer/co-worker leaves next week for holidays and they want me up to speed before then.